Sunday, February 18, 2007

Propaganda? Really?

I'm aware that sometimes even the most professional of people will twist the truth so that it better suits them. However, I don't know if I appreciate the fact that some people refer to public relations as propaganda. Maybe it's just the connotation that comes to mind when I think of "propaganda." I immediately think of dictators and bad posters, and I don't want to associate public relations with dictators. Is that so wrong?

On the otherhand, John Stauber does make some interesting points about the field, and I don't entirely disagree with him. Most of what people see in the news is placed in the media by public relations practitioners, I'll allow him that. However, I have every intention of honestly representing whoever I work for; I don't intend to change their image. Interested in learning more about John Stauber and his views of public relations? Regardless of how you might view the industry, this video is interesting and not time consuming, so peep it.

First timer

Surprise, surprise, I have never blogged before. When my class was first given this assignment I thought a lot of people were unecessarily anxious about blogging, but now, with all this white space in front of me, I'm starting to feel anxious. I thought for sure I would be able to write, write, write about anything and everything, but I keep drawing a blank. Obviously I realize I have a lot to learn about blogging, as well as many, many other things, but this assignment would be so much easier if my thoughts easily translated to my computer screen. One of my older brothers has a blog, and he never seems to have any issues with coming across as clever or intelligent. You can read his blog if you go here.

Anyway, please bear with me while I struggle to become a better blogger. While I can't promise I will ever be interesting or thought provoking, I will do my best to at least improve my writing/blogging style. Argh, this is so much harder than I thought it was going to be.